How FEIT took flight on a 5-year learning journey
Shared learnings from a 5-year process shifting mindsets and academic practice in the Faculty of Engineering and IT.
Shared learnings from a 5-year process shifting mindsets and academic practice in the Faculty of Engineering and IT.
How to record hands-on activities at home, using your own smartphone or webcam!
Reuse of content can save time and energy – discover how FEIT and the PGLD team reworked a Data Visualisation subject for multiple audiences.
2019 Learning & Teaching Awards and Citations winner, Dr Mohsen Naderpour, discusses his approach to course delivery in the UTS classroom
Here are some examples of face-to-face based learning designs that presented a challenge to shift online, and the innovative solutions that have been undertaken.
The Summer Studio experience that's shaking things up for UTS FEIT students...
An exam in a games arcade? Find out how the exam came about, how it helps students learn and how it’s changed the way Tuck approaches his teaching.
If you have experience in learning and teaching and would like to work with an innovative and exciting team, there are several positions currently available within the faculty.
Assessment design that's outside the square, inside a box...
Something new I tried out in teaching in the last year was...