Is that all there is? Re-thinking data and diversity on International Women’s Day
Questions and challenges to keep gender equality in focus, long after the speeches are done.
Questions and challenges to keep gender equality in focus, long after the speeches are done.
The possibilities offered by GenAI and Open Education might seem broadly aligned; look closely, however, and differences begin to surface.
Ashley Willcox and Elham Hafiz share impressions and takeaways from some inclusion-focussed career development training.
Health academics explored practical applications for generative AI tools in a hands-on workshop to wrap up the year.
Staff share their joyful failures, hopeful learnings and intentional futures on the Wall of Provocations at this year's Forum.
Review highlights from a recent Learning Design Meetup exploring diverse pathways to leadership for learning design professionals.
The messy reality of 'dropping out' is not well articulated in higher education – but that's where complexity theory comes in...
In learning and teaching, should we be setting a brisk pace or slowing things down? Perhaps there's space for both...
Are you a pedagogical pace-setter, or leisurely learning guide? Enjoy 5 takes on time from our pecha kucha presenters.
Can we take back control of time and pace in learning design? Join the next Learning Design Meetup to find out!
2,000+ Year 9 and 10 students came to the ICC Sydney to learn what it takes to get into the startup scene.