Michael Chan

Latest articles

3 reasons why your grades don’t submit correctly

By Michael Chan,

Unorganised assignments and incomplete marks may be tripping you up when you're attempting grade submission.

Your top questions about setting up online exams answered

By Michael Chan,

Setting up an online exam? We answer some of the most common questions that come up.

Tooltime taster: student appointments made easy with Canvas Calendar

By Michael Chan,

Find out what you can do with Canvas Calendar at our upcoming Tooltime session.

Tooltime taster: Using Microsoft bookings for your students

By Michael Chan,

Learn 5 ways Microsoft Bookings can make scheduling easier, and register for our upcoming Tooltime session.

Tooltime taster: get started with Qwickly

By Michael Chan,

Come along to our next Tooltime session and learn how you can get attendance done 'qwickly'.

Your Canvas Grades submission questions answered

By Michael Chan,

We go through 9 of the most common questions we get about grades submission.

Grade submission headaches? Find relief with a 7-point checklist

By Michael Chan,

Having difficulty submitting grades in Canvas or UTSOnline? This checklist tackles the common issues with some straight-forward solutions you can try.

Finding learning technology support at UTS

By Michael Chan,

Error? Arghhh!!! It can be frustrating when you’re having problems with your online teaching materials. Perhaps you accidentally changed some settings? Or maybe you’re just finding it a challenge to keep up-to-date with the learning technologies used at UTS like Blackboard, Review or SPARKPlus? Luckily there’s no need to...

Tooltime Recap | Using Kaltura interactive videos to enhance student engagement

By Michael Chan,

Kaltura is the multimedia content management platform for UTS and is integrated into both UTSOnline and Canvas, allowing for interactive video content that can improve students’ online engagement. Here are 3 key features that benefit you using Kaltura videos: Quizzes – Create a diverse structure of discussion questions and...

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