UTS students can now apply for automated short extensions to assessment due dates through a new Assignment Extension tool called EzExtend. This protocol change is intended to improve the student experience in Canvas and came about as a response to questions from students on the consistency and perceived fairness of various academic administration practices at UTS. The update was recommended by an Academic Administration Working Group and has been implemented in Faculty Board Protocols. For an overview of the impacts on your Canvas site, see our explainer on Standardised submissions and hear how these changes will support you and students.

In this blog, we answer 8 common questions about managing short extensions in Canvas.

Why are we providing automated short extensions?

Some students face genuine short-term challenges, such as temporary disabilities or technical challenges, which prevent them from completing assessments on time. Granting these students an automatic short extension provides the necessary time to complete their tasks and reduces anxiety about their studies, without requiring them to explain their circumstances to subject coordinators. 

Students seeking longer extensions will still need to justify their requests either through the special consideration processes or (for registered students) Accessibility Services.

Which assessment types are exempt from automated short extensions?

Automated short extensions are available for all Canvas graded assessments, including graded discussions, with a set due date.  

Automated short extensions are not available for: 

  • Canvas quizzes and exams
  • In-class assessments (for example in-class presentations) – these should be set up as Canvas “no submission” assignments. 
  • External tool assignments such as Turnitin Feedback Studio Assignments, textbook publisher assignments and EdStem. For these assignments, please book a consultation with the LDT team who can help you set up the assignment for your subject and circumstances.

Can students request a short extension for exams?

Exams are exempt from short extensions.  Students can request an extension through special consideration. To ensure that the extension tool is not available for your take-home or faculty managed exam, please book a consultation with the LDT team.

Where can students and staff find the Assignment Extension tool?

Students and staff can access the Assignment Extension tool through the ‘Assignment Extensions’ menu item in the navigation menu of a Canvas subject site. Students will be able to request a short extension from 14 days before a Canvas assignment is due.

How should short extensions for group assignments be managed? 

If a group requires a short extension for a Canvas group assignment that allows submission on behalf of the group, the following steps must be taken: 

  1. All group members must discuss and agree on a short extension request before applying for an extension; the agreement must be unanimous
  2. The student designated to submit the group assignment must request the short extension through the Assignment Extension tool in Canvas
  3. The same student must then email the Subject Coordinator (and tutor if applicable) to inform them of the group’s short extension request. The email must: 
    • State that all group members agree on the need for a short extension 
    • Include all group members in the cc: field to confirm their agreement

How can students request a short extension for an assessment that is not submitted through Canvas?

There may be situations where a student needs a short extension for an assignment that is not available through the Assignment Extension tool, such as a quiz or in-class assessment. In these cases, students should contact their subject coordinator before the due date to discuss the possibility of an extension or alternative assessment. Subject coordinators should consult with their faculties regarding any specific faculty assessment protocols for these types of assignments.

Can students resubmit automatically if they request a short extension? 

Yes, if you have set up a Canvas assignment and have allowed multiple submission attempts for the assessment. You will have a timestamped record of each submission/re-submission attempt in SpeedGrader. The latest submission will be the submission displayed in SpeedGrader for marking.

How do I manage in-class assessments? 

Automated short extensions are not available for in-class assessments such as presentations. In Canvas, create a ‘no submission’ assignment with a due date to mark/provide feedback for the in-class assessment. Students will not see an option to request an automated short extension.

If students are required to submit an accompanying digital file (e.g. a PowerPoint), you may choose to allow students to request an automated short extension for the file submission. Create two Canvas assignments to facilitate this:

  • a ‘no submission’ Canvas assignment with points to mark/provide feedback for the in-class assessment
  • an ‘online submission’ Canvas assignment for students to submit their digital file for marking/feedback. If the file is graded, add points to the assignment. To enable students to request an automated short extension, add a due date

For support with the set up of your in-class assessment, please book a consultation with the LDT team.

What resources can I access for more support?

You can find more information about automated short extensions in our resource Manage extension approvals. For answers to questions on managing consistent due times and late penalties in Canvas, check out this FAQs article.

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