GradesPlus is now used for grades submission at UTS. For guidance on current practices, please go to Submitting grades using GradesPlus


Grades submission can be a challenge. A little bit of know-how can help you submit your grades smoothly without issues. Here are 3 reasons why your grades submission might not work as expected, plus some tips to prevent errors.

 1. Assignments are not organised

  • Group all your component tasks for graded assessments together in Assignment Groups using meaningful labels. This provides a clear overview of totals and relative weightings in your subject.
  • Assign subject assessment weights to the Assignment Groups, as defined in your subject outline. All of your Assignment Groups should add up to 100% of the subject total.
  • Create a separate assignment group with a 0% subject weighting for assignments that don’t contribute to the subject total (like formative tasks and practice activities). This will ensure that these types of assignments don’t contribute to the final grade. Optionally, in the assignment’s settings, you can also select ‘Do not count this assignment towards the final mark’. 
  • Learn more about setting up and weighting Assignment groups.

2. Assignment marks are incomplete

  • You will get an error submitting grades if there are dashes in cells that require a result and are included in the subject total. Check that all cells in the Canvas Markbook assignment columns have a result so that the final subject mark is calculated correctly. If a student has failed to submit work for marking without any special consideration, enter zero ‘0’.
  • For students with pending or late marks, manually enter a placeholder value of zero ‘0’ in the Markbook. Then select an appropriate exception letter grade in the SYS_EXCEPTION_GRADE column (see the Coursework Assessments Policy). You will still be able to update your marks up until your faculty’s grade submission due date.

3. Incorrect setup when using REVIEW to mark

  • Make sure you have synced REVIEW with Canvas and that the REVIEW assignments in Canvas have the appropriate subject weightings applied. The results from REVIEW are used to calculate the final grades.
  • Group assignments used to receive student submissions into a separate Assignment Group with 0% weighting. This ensures that these assignments do not contribute to the final grades (you can also select ‘Do not count this assignment towards the final mark’ in the assignment’s settings).
  • Find out more in the LX resources on Grades Submission and REVIEW and Using REVIEW.

Once your Canvas Markbook is ready, you can submit the final subject results through the Canvas Admin Tool (CAT). At this point you are done!

Further trouble-shooting

On rare occasions, your subject is not listed in CAT, or your marks are successfully sent by CAT and received by the Curriculum and Student System (CASS) but are not recorded. If this happens to you, contact your Grade Faculty Admin or faculty APO for further assistance.

If you miss the cut-off date to submit your subject results, or results are incomplete by the Grade submission due date set by your faculty, submit an Authority to Vary Results (AVR) form or contact your Grade Faculty Admin for further support.

Learn more about the most common Grades Submission issues in this detailed Grade Submission checklist.

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