Interested in developing your design of inclusive, engaging learning in online, blended or hybrid mode? Enrol now for an exciting, new subject that’s free for UTS staff.
Starting April 4th: Technology-enhanced Learning
Technology-enhanced Learning is an online elective subject of the revised Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Teaching and Learning (GCHETL). This studio-style, six-week subject will guide you through the key theories and approaches for enhancing inclusive student learning. You will choose models and strategies to design your own online/blended/hybrid learning activity in a way that’s more inclusive – either by redesigning a current activity or creating a new one.
This is a very practical subject. It has one assessment task that is worked on across the modular structure to scaffold the conversion and redesign of your existing learning session, or to guide the creation of your new learning activity. To work towards this goal, you will study three modules:
- The Community of Inquiry (see image below)
- Key teaching models and strategies
- Designing for inclusivity and enhanced learning

Participants will study and learn collaboratively in an innovative studio environment that enables self-paced, active learning. To frame this, there are 3 forms of synchronous learning:
- One introductory online session on April 4th (Week 1)
- 3-hour workshop on April 29th (Week 4)
- Weekly drop-in sessions on Fridays with support from experienced teaching staff
Enrol now!
Submit your application via the UTS Student Portal using a non-UTS email address – you’ll be issued a UTS student address while studying. The subject commences Monday 4th April and the final day to enrol is Tuesday 12th April.
This subject is free to UTS staff and you can enrol now for Technology-enhanced Learning as non-award subject, even if you are not enrolled in the 2022 GCHETL.
Postgraduate students, research academics and professional staff who teach are very welcome to enrol but, please be aware that this is a very ‘hands-on’ subject. You will need to have access to or be able to create an old or new topic to design/redesign for your assessed subject learning activity plan.
If you have missed enrolment to GCHETL this Autumn 2022, you can still enrol in a single subject (core or elective) such as Technology-enhanced learning as a non-award subject. If you’d like to continue, you can enrol in the next graduate certificate intake and apply for recognition of prior learning (RPL).
- For more information about the Technology-enhanced Learning subject, please contact Dr Rachel Thompson
- For further information about the GCHETL course, check out this post by Franziska Trede; enrolments for Spring are open until June 22nd.
Feature image by Andy Roberts
I am thinking of enrolling in this course but teach on Mondays from 9am-noon then 2-5pm. Is the introductory class on 4 April recorded, or is there some other way I can do the course without being there for the first online session? Not a good start, I know!
Hi Prudence, good question! Sorry you can’t make it to the introductory session in week 1. We will be recording the main room activity for this Zoom class so that you can hear the activity introductions and shared content. The good news is the whole GCHETL is designed to be studied using a self-paced asynchronous approach (online) -so there are no penalties for missing the synchronous online classes, although they are recommended.
As a ‘studio’ style subject – TEL has a ‘studio space’ for interaction with the content and other participants asynchronously. Online study groups and peer interaction will be encouraged and supported. The online studio workshop for 010064 TEL on Friday 29th April 0930-1230 is online – we recommend participants attend this if at all possible. Hope this helps, Rachel