With Autumn session commencing next week, teaching staff are encouraged to share information slides with their students at the start of class. The slides cover important information, such as wearing face masks correctly, reminders to be welcoming and inclusive, and what students should do if they feel unwell.

These slides are available on the Teaching and learning on campus during COVID-19 page, which will be updated with all the latest information as we ease our way back into classrooms on campus. Also available, at the bottom of this page, are downloads for posters: a campus physical distancing poster that can be posted at the entrance of the teaching space, and a handwashing poster is visible if it’s relevant to the space or activity.
As Autumn session commences, we’ll be featuring stories that will guide you on your return to campus, from new ideas for collaborative classrooms to mastering your video skills in our new media spaces.
What challenges have you faced and what positive changes have you made to overcome them when you’ve been teaching on campus in the COVID-19 era? We’d love to hear your comments and ideas below.