UTSOnline (Blackboard) is being shut down on 1 September during the final phase of the LXT project. While staff are busy archiving any content they might need, we’re also communicating this date to students and recommending they do the same.
The Blackboard decommissioning team has put together a one-page slide you can use in your online classes, or add to your Canvas site:

If you’d prefer to copy and paste the text, it reads:
Bye Bye Blackboard
With all subjects now in Canvas, UTSOnline (Blackboard) is being shut down on 1 September
Need anything?
Before it goes, save anything you might want from your old Blackboard subjects:
– Subject outlines, teaching notes
– Assessment marks and grades
– Assignments & feedbackePortfolios, blogs, wikis, journals etc.
For more instructions, head to www.uts.edu.au/blackboard, or google “UTS Blackboard”
It’s important that students are aware and save what they need now to minimise the number of emails to subject coordinators after they lose all access to Blackboard on 1 September.
We recommend using this slide during one of your lessons this month. It’s worth considering your audience, and the likelihood they’ve had any subjects in Canvas – all postgraduate subjects were moved over in 2020, for example, so first year postgraduate students probably won’t need the reminder!
The slide refers to www.uts.edu.au/blackboard, where students will find links to resources and FAQs. Don’t forget, if you need any help backing up your own subjects the LX.lab has a complete collection of Blackboard Decommissioning resources.
How to download the slide
Download a high resolution image of the slide
Download a PowerPoint file with the slide
Additional support
The LX.lab will be running remote drop-in style sessions to support staff with last-minute questions about downloading and archiving material. Drop-in support sessions will run from 10am to 12pm on weekdays between August 23rd and 31st.
To join one of the decommissioning drop-in sessions simply join via Zoom using this Zoom meeting link – please note the the link will only be active on the above times and dates.
Feature image by R K on Unsplash