Getting stuck with learning technologies? Find out how you can get the help you need by lodging a request to the LX.lab team.
You can lodge a request to book a face-to-face consultation, a drop-in session, or to get online support with centrally supported learning technologies such as Echo360, REVIEW, SParkPlus, A.nnotate, Turnitin and UTSOnline.
Booking a face-to-face consultation allows you to get support at your chosen location or office from one of our Learning Design and Technology Specialists. A drop-in booking ensures you get support at the LX.lab (CB06.04.020) during our drop-in sessions from 11am – 1pm daily. You can also send us your inquiries about Futures, the UTSOnline Help site or video production work.
Technical issues?
For any technical problems or access issues – such as cloning subjects, adding staff or enrolling students – (except for SPARKplus) you should lodge a ServiceConnect ticket to Learning and Teaching Systems (LATS) in ITD.
How to lodge a request for help
To lodge a request, simply access our Service Catalogue by following the steps below.

For the current process to submit a ticket to LX.lab use this link