The LX.lab team with IML Director Jo McKenzie.
The LX.lab offers drop-in hours for learning technologies weekdays, 11am-1pm.
UTS staff at the LX.lab opening breakfast.
When not being used for events, the LX.lab is casual working space for UTS staff.
Uncle Allen Madden and Gagidal elders welcome launch attendees to Gadigal country.
UTS staff at the LX.lab opening breakfast.
The LX.lab main area is perfect for small, informal meetings or impromptu conversations.
The LX.lab is a place for the whole UTS learning and teaching community.
The LX.lab is conveniently located in the busy thoroughfare of Building 6 Level 4.
The LX.lab brings staff from across UTS together.
The UTS staff Ukulele group entertains at the LX.lab opening breakfast.
DVC Education & Students Professor Shirley Alexander officially opened the LX.lab and was the first to swipe in with her staff card.
The LX.lab has a casual, fun feel and different spaces for different types of activities.
Interactive whiteboard technology is available in the LX.lab.
The LX.lab is open to all staff during business hours.
Tech Tasters at the LX.lab ‘Lab Bar’.
All photos by by Nick, Alec Bruce-Mason photography
Haven’t visited the LX.lab yet?
Find out more about the lab and all the opportunities for UTS staff to get involved .
And a huge thank you…
To the whole LX.lab team! In particular Phoebe Huang (events), Rhiannon Hall (communications), Amanda Sampol (marketing), Anna Nordon (design intern), Ollie Coady (Futures), Aivan Nguyen (Futures intern), Matt Vella (video).
Great job on the launch LXLab team – sorry I missed it! The design is very inviting – looking forward to attending one of the many events you have planned!