Lucy Arthur

Manager Digital Resources and Services, Managing Editor of Futures
For work… In these trying times, I’m a little addicted to The Guardian. Luckily the Higher Ed section and its blog features means I can legitimately read it for work. I love the Blogging Students series, it would be great to get something like this going on Futures.
For fun… I belong to a hilarious book club called the Julian Lloyd Webber Book Club (he knows we named it after him). We’re currently ploughing through the enjoyable monster that is Charles Dickens’ Bleak House.
Neela Griffiths
For work… I’ve been trawling through different popular Science magazines like New Scientist and Cosmos for a project I’m working on. I also regularly visit The Conversation and the Guardian Science and Technology sections.
For fun… I’ve just completed How to Build a Girl by Caitlin Moran about a teenage music journalist growing up in the Midlands in the UK in the 90s and am about to start Nutshell by Ian McEwan.
Andrew Francois
Learning Technologist
For work… Well, I read my email… but seriously, using Feedly as a content aggregator on my iPad I trawl through a plethora of educational technology and visual thinking related RSS feeds. None of it long-form reading, but all well suited to my daily commute. Feeds include Edutopia, Education Technology and Mobile Learning, Catherine Madden’s blog, and How2.
For fun… Using Flipboard on my commute I might flip through Macrumors to geek out on articles of interest around hardware and software. Lately I have been exploring Flipboard ‘magazines’ on infographics and sketch-noting. I do all this while simultaneously listening to podcasts like Leading Lines or audio books. Ironically, Cal Newport’s Deep Work is the current audio book on my mobile device.
Ollie Coady
Learning Technologist, Technical Manager of Futures
For work… I tend to follow and read Digital Trends and The Divi Weekly for design tips on Divi as the main WP theme for futures.
For fun… I enjoy the incessant flow of Vinomofo Wine spams I get. Tend to really enjoy reading the Reisling articles the most. And anything by Tim Winton.

Elaine Huber
Senior Lecturer
For work… At the moment I’m reading two types of articles, those for my PhD on research into evaluation and those for my work which are papers on the subject of flipped learning.
For fun… I will read anything for a break from academic reading. Right now I’m about to start Storm and Grace by Kathryn Heyman. She is a mentor to a close friend of mine who is also an author, so it’s a hot tip!
Rosalie Goldsmith
For work… Journal articles on Engineering Management; engineering project management, leadership, educational research (links between talking, reading and writing), gender and technology, writing and engineering.
For fun… Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis.
Deborah Nixon
For work… I am researching articles on architecture and ideology with a focus on colonial bungalows so I can write a publishable chapter from my thesis. I am also reading articles on FYE and the postgrad experience.
For fun… I am completely mesmerised by the anodyne memoirs of Karl Ove Knausgaard – I’m up to Book 4.
Rhiannon Hall
Learning and Teaching Digital Content Officer, Community Content Editor of Futures
For work… Although the education section of The Atlantic isn’t locally focused for Australian readers, it usually offers interesting articles about global issues so I’m often keeping an eye on that, as well as the usual suspects like The Guardian and The Conversation. I keep up with what’s happening at UTS through the UTS Newsroom, and on the lighter side of things, whatever comes through on the Academia Obscura feed.
For fun… Finishing off Spring Snow, and checking The New Yorker and Indiewire.
Did any of these titles catch your eye, or do you have recommendations for any of the editorial team members? Leave us a comment and let us know!
Feature image credit: Patrick Tomasso.