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Icebreakers are a great way to engage students early in the session with an online activity. They can help students feel more comfortable to collaborate and communicate with each other.
This activity is best created in the Get Started module in your Canvas course (find out more about this module in the Canvas subject shells resource).
You can create the activity by following these steps:
Watch Introduction to Padlet (YouTube, 1:43 min) for more information on creating your Padlet account.
We’ve suggested using Padlet in this activity, but be aware it is not currently a supported technology at UTS.
If you’d prefer to use a UTS-supported technology, take a look at what you can do with Discussions on Canvas.
This activity is suitable during the beginning of the session for the following classes:
30 mins | 0 mins | 15 mins |
In a blended learning environment, nurturing student-to-student relationships within a learning community can contribute to establishing well-functioning groups. As Gilly Salmon (2000) has suggested, online socialisation is the main foundation where the learning journey starts, and can be built through familiarising and providing bridges between cultural, social, and learning environments.
Fatayer, M. (2019). ‘Icebreakers’ in Adaptable Resources for Teaching with Technology, LX.Lab, Institute for Interactive Media & Learning, University of Technology, Sydney. Retrieved from
The Adaptable Resources for Teaching with Technology collection by LX.Lab, Institute for Interactive Media & Learning, University of Technology, Sydney are provided as open educational resources under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
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