- Friday, 11 April 2025
10:00 am - 11:00 am - Zoom – further details provided upon registration
In this session, we will explore how learning designers can integrate Open Educational Resources and Practices (OER/OEP) in ways that enhance engagement, foster authentic learning and drive meaningful impact. Through lightning talks by learning design professionals in higher education, we’ll examine some real-world strategies for embedding OER and OEP and empower participants with practical tools for implementing them.
Presenter bios
Tannis Morgan, Vancouver Community College
Tannis Morgan, PhD, is Associate Vice President, Academic Innovation, at Vancouver Community College (VCC) in Vancouver, Canada. At VCC, Tannis plans and advances teaching, learning, and research innovation, and leads initiatives on online learning, alternate delivery, universal design, and open educational resources.
Mais Fatayer, University of Technology Sydney
Mais is the Learner Experience Design Manager at the University of Technology Sydney. She has been working in higher education since 2008 in a variety of settings as a lecturer, subject coordinator, researcher, and learning designer. She utilises her experience to enhance the adoption of educational technology in teaching practices. She led many initiatives for educational professional development, participated in multidisciplinary research and designed technology-enhanced learning and teaching solutions. Her research interests focus on the use of technologies in learning and teaching, including Open Educational Practices (OEP), learning design, and design-based research.